Last Sunday Doug got bit by a cat stray cat. Mathilda caught the cat by the tail. Doug was trying to save the cat from Mati and Mati from the cat's claws. Doug paid a big price. Cat's mouths are way full of bacteria and puncture bites are immediately infected. If you are bit on the hand you can lose your hand. Scary. Well, 2 days after the bite Doug went to the doc cuz his leg hurt so bad and the "red" was spreading. Now he's on heavy duty antibiotics. If they don't work then there will be IV antibiotics. Live and learn. Turns out the poor cat didn't even have claws. If we had let Mati go to the end of the leash, the cat would have gotten away and all would have been well. The cat would still have hair on its tail too.
Remember the kitten on Cromwell Ln...When you came into the garage...and it got in you way??? This is cat Karma!!!
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